MkS 由台灣時間約 8:00 時重新上線,離線原因是由租用主機 iMaxNOW 可能遭受攻擊,並由一些相關單位介入調查,恢復時間才拖了這麼久,需要站上資料的各位網友們,真的很抱歉,雖然站長採用的 iMaxNOW 是屬於便宜的主機,但其實所提供的服務是不輸其他付費主機的。
MkS 離線的期間,站長比大家著急,不僅常有人私信我,而站長只能慢慢的等待代理商那邊的回應訊息,以下為官方信息。
We are experiencing network connectivity issues in our Immedion data center. Technicians are already looking into the cause and we hope this will be fixed as soon as possible. Thank you for patience and understanding in this matter.
We have just got an update from our data center that the server #foks has been seized by FBI due to undisclosed reasons.
Both ours and yours businesses have been affected greatly because of this issue. We are currently in the process of finding out the relevant communication channel with FBI and will keep you updated as soon as any information is revealed. Thank you for patience and understanding in this matter.2015-6-11
Our data center has been trying to get more information from the FBI agency about the seizure however no big progress has been made here.
We have already started the process of setting up a new server to replace the seized one and will be restoring the account backups on it immediately. We will update you through the process.
We are halfway there! 50% remaining.(2015-6-12 12:00)
61% already. With this rate we expect all accounts to be restored by 5:00pm EDT (GMT -4).
很不幸發生這樣子的事情,短短幾天的離線,我相信很多人像站長一樣不斷對著 MkS 進行 DDos(F5),反正就是急著得到一些資訊,雖然在廣大的網路上,資訊都是流通的,也並非 Mks 有著獨一無二的資訊,不過站長能做的,只有整理、寫一些價值獨一無二的文章與大家分享,也希望藉由大家的認同來分享、推廣。